We are delighted to announce that BIJS has finally nominated our student councillors!
As we haven’t started right from the beginning of the academic year, we decided to go for nominations for the remaining of this session. The nominations criteria considered students who perform well academically but can also relate to others and are representative of the current student body. Furthermore, we aimed to maintain a gender balance in establishing our student council.
Our heartfelt congratulations to:
Y1 Amethyst: Michaella
Y2 Citrine: Varak
Y3 Emerald: Annabelle
Y4 Topaz: Myat
Y5 Ruby: Luisa
Y6 Sapphire: Oluwademilade
For KS2 (Yrs 4 – 6), their first assignment is to attend our Open Day scheduled for Saturday 5th March 2022, 9.00 – 11.00 am. Their role will be to accompany the staff while taking the prospective parents on the school tour.
We will also contact a few more children from Y5 & Y6 to join us for the Open Day.
Please inform Mrs Nana-Aisha (school registrar) if your child councillor can attend.
Our Student Council is a student-led civic organisation designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students.
Children benefit immensely from being involved in student councils:
– they learn leadership skills;
– have an opportunity to gain experience in public speaking;
– learn organisational skills, cope with challenges beyond their everyday school life;
– and learn how to resolve conflict amicably diplomatically.
– most of all, they learn how to positively impact the school and community environment.
We believe Primary School is an essential first step because it gives students a practical first-hand understanding of how democracy functions by giving them a voice and a chance to contribute to the school’s functioning.
The BIJS Student Council consists of 6 students, one representative from each class in the primary phase. They take responsibility for voicing the opinions and ideas of the general student body and informing fellow students about current endeavours within the Student Council. From helping maintain discipline and team spirit at Sports Day to planning activities for school events, all Council members take on specific roles to help out. On a daily basis, Student Council members serve duty around the school during lunch break to ensure safety and fair and inclusive play.
The Student Council meets once a half-term with the Head of School to supervise and guide. They discuss events and activities that have taken place in the previous half-term – what went right, what should be improved. They also offer recommendations for future events and activities.
The school councillors will be democratically elected by their peers from the next academic session. They will have to think about and communicate to the electorate all the qualities that make them ideal candidates for the councillor role. The entire process from submitting their candidature, preparing their speech, convincing the students to vote for them, to getting elected, and performing their duties as responsible representatives of the student body helps students understand the true meaning of democracy.
Student Council is a terrific way for students to learn organisation, leadership and teamwork skills and prepares them for later student government positions in Secondary Schools.