Mr Sankalp TIWARI
PTA Chair

Mr Tiwari: “I will work closely with all stakeholders for an overall developing environment. In addition, I can contribute positively towards any area that the institution might need.”


Mr Tiwari is an Engineer in Electronics & Communication and obtained an MBA in Human Resource Management.
With over 14 years of experience in Human Resources, Mr Tiwari has led large organisations in various parts of the world, including Hong Kong, the USA, China, UAE in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, IVC, Liberia, DRC, South Africa), Europe & India, leading initiatives in areas being Talent Management, Performance Management, Leading Culture Change, Organisational Development and L&D.

His experience spans a range of industry sectors: Consulting, Seafood, Poultry, Media & Entertainment, Diamond & Jewellery, Luxury Goods, Plastic Manufacturing, and Packaging.

Mr Tiwari loves exploring new countries, cultures and meeting new people.


Mrs Kendirjian: “Looking forward to helping the school grow and socialise with other parents.”

Mrs Kendirjian is a Lebanese Armenian national and a mother of two wonderful kids, Varak and Nanar. She holds a BSc degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from Notre Dame University Lebanon.
Mrs Kendirjian has been a member of the alumni council of C. Gulbenkian School, where she has volunteered for 5 years. She has also been a memeber in Scouts Council and volunteered for 4 years.


Mrs Ntiamoah: “Wish to contribute to the progress of BIJS in every way possible and to safeguard the resources available to us as the PTA in providing the necessary help the school may require of us as parents.”


Mrs Ntiamoah is a graduate of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, holding a B.Ed in Home Economics (Food and Nutrition). She is a professional cake artist and has also taught Home Economics in both the secondary and primary schools in Ghana for over 10 years. Mrs Ntiamoah moved to Nigeria with her husband and three children recently. She loves to cook and try new recipes during her leisure time.

Volunteer Coordinator

Mrs Chigbufue: Joining the PTA “to bring my wealth of experience to foster school values and vision.”


Mrs Chigbufue holds a BSc. in Economics from the Obafemi Awolowo University. She has 11 years of professional experience in Financial Services and is a Financial Market Dealers Association member. Mrs Chigbufue is an ACI certified treasury dealer. But most importantly, she is a wife and mom.
Mrs Chigbufue loves planning and executing projects in her spare time.

Fundraising Coordinator

Mrs Akande: “I am sincerely willing to get more involved in my child’s school and get an opportunity to give back to the BISJ community for everything they are doing and work tireless, making sure our kids get the nothing but the best. I love giving back to the community.”


Mrs Akande holds an MA in International Business with over 6 years of experience in Marketing and Project Management, working for one of the companies in the Middle East Real Estate Group. She has volunteered in her son’s school in the past (including end of year class party, class exhibition day and International day organising team).

Mrs Akande is passionate and dreams of opening her own Nursery School one day.

Mrs Akande is a mother of two young boys, and over the years, she has developed a profound interest in children, and it’s her dream to open her own school to care, nature, and give young children a suitable learning environment. 

Mrs Akande is captivated by learning about other cultures, world history, and travelling. In her spare time, she plays squash. 



We are delighted you are considering joining our PTA Committee.

Please read the PTA Constitution and Jobs Descriptions and submit your application by reading the link posted on ClassDojo, by Friday 22nd April 4.00 pm. Once the application deadline has passed, we will invite parents in to vote for their PTA representatives.

We are striving for the best in everything we do in School, and thus in your application, we are looking for reasons you’d like to be part of the PTA Committee and why you think you would make a good candidate for this position.

Here are 10 reasons why we think you should nominate yourself for a PTA Committee role:

1. Support the School
The PTA is vital to the success of the School. Funds raised enrich your child’s learning and improve every pupil’s experience. Be part of the group that pays for the playground your child loves or funds the library that’s their favourite place to be.

2. It’s totally flexible
Anyone can get involved, whether you’re a full-time parent or working nine to five. It’s less commitment than you think, and you don’t always have to attend meetings. Small jobs such as designing a poster, distributing letters or running a stall keep everything running smoothly.

3. Make lasting friendships
Meet and chat with a wider circle of families from different classes. Get to know other parents and bond over exciting events, socials and get-togethers. Find a place to belong and spend time with others who share your values.

4. Be better connected
Create closer links with the head, teachers and staff. If you’re new to the School, the PTA is an excellent way to learn how things work and become part of the community. If not, you’ll still gain greater insight by seeing how things work from both sides.

5. Because it’s FUN!
Be part of the team which organises the best events and get-togethers. Suggest your ideas and watch as it catches on and everyone wants a piece of the action. Be there for each other.

6. Innovate the School
Work with the School and other parents to see where improvements can be made and implement them. Directly influence the experience of your child and all the others.

7. Learn new skills
Everyone has something they can bring to the PTA, but you can also learn new skills by trading with others. Always wanted to perfect that cookie recipe? Not sure how to design a poster? Want to hone your public speaking skills? You can do it with the support of the committee.

8. Improve your child’s learning
Studies show that children whose parents are involved in their education do better in School. Engaging with the PTA shows your children’s education is important to you. Play your part in improving the School and watch us thrive.

9. It’s not just for mums
Everyone is welcome, and it’s especially important to have dads and male carers represented, as male role models are crucial in children’s upbringing. Dads can bring different skills, perspectives, and other dads.

10. Create lasting memories
Our children are only at School for a few years, but they will remember the difference we make for a lifetime. They will cherish the activities and games we fund, learn using resources we buy, and remember the events we hold. Help keep the PTA going so future pupils can benefit too.

We wish you the very best of luck and look forward to receiving your applications.

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