Easter Party

I would like to personally thank you for your recent contribution of time, resources, and financial support towards the Easter Party event. Your kindness and generosity have not gone unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for creating a fun-filled event for the BIJS community.

Would also like to thank our highly dedicated PTA Board: Mr Sankalp, Mrs Sanan, Mrs Onyinye, and Mrs Jane. We must also acknowledge the contribution and give thanks to our Events Committee parent volunteers who have spent countless hours planning, running about, and creating all these fantastic decorations to make us feel we’re in an indoor garden: Mrs Yara, Mrs Naro, Mrs Seneesha, Mrs Deema, Mrs Tolu, Mrs Rita, and Mrs Uwana (apologies if I missed anyone).

I am privileged to be a part of a school where parents and staff work together to create lasting memories for the children. Thank you for your energy, passion, and enthusiasm. In particular, I’d like to name Mrs Tobi (our Arts Teacher) for working hard on the decorations, Mr Joshua (PE Teacher) for organising the games, Mr David (Acting Assistant Head) and Mrs Funbi, KS1 Leader for hosting the event, and Miss Monalysa and Mrs Dolapo, our bubbly Year 1 Teachers for always entertaining us with their class dance.

This event was successful due to the dedication and hard work of people like you. I am happy to say the event was extremely well-attended by our parents, caregivers, students, and friends. The community came together to enjoy our exciting day.

We feel confident that by making our children happy at the end of the term through such activities in school, they’ll remain energised about learning, thus creating brighter futures for families.

I offer my sincere appreciation and thanks to all those who give freely and abundantly their time and energy.

Enjoy a wonderful break, and happy holidays!

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