
Sports Day

We are thrilled to invite you to the Sports Day event on February 17th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at our school field. We have a day full of exciting events and activities planned for our students, and we would be delighted to have you join us to cheer them on. Some of the […]

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Inter-schools Competitions

I am writing to celebrate our children who have participated in our first official interschool competitions! Also, we wish to congratulate Daniel (Y4) for winning Silver and Bronze in the swimming competition. They all did their best, and we are so proud of every child who has represented the school exceptionally well. TANGERINE SWIMMING COMPETITION

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Mini-Sports Day

We are delighted to inform you that Mr Joshua has organised a mini Sports Day this morning for the pupils to relax and enjoy after their Assessment Week. This is part of our mission to promote health literacy (for more details on our ‘Learning Culture’, please visit note that children will have access to

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