Admissions Process

Thank you for your interest in British International Junior School (BIJS) Lagos.
BIJS promotes equal opportunity in education and seeks to admit children we believe will benefit from the curriculum offered. A child’s admission to BIJS is at the School’s discretion based on the child’s readiness to access the curriculum with the support and resources the School can provide. In this respect, the School considers various factors, including the child’s age, academic ability, and personality traits. In addition, we aim for a diverse student body to develop global perspectives.
To apply for a place at British International Junior School, please complete the following steps:


The Application for Admission form can be obtained from the School or downloaded from the School’s website (click here). Upon completion, please email scanned copies to, or post them to the address stated on the form. 

Please make sure that all documents listed on the checklist are submitted with the application. Our Admissions Team will let you know should any additional documents be required. We will start processing the application upon receiving the complete documentation, and the application fee is accepted.

As places may fill up very quickly, we advise applying as early as possible.


Year Group placement
The BIJS year group placement is based on British National Curriculum cut-off dates and is the age/year group we enrol children. To assess suitability for our creative and challenging curriculum, age-appropriate assessments are carried out.
The 31st of August is the cut-off date, and we believe it is the most appropriate classification for children’s personal, social, emotional, and academic well-being. Consequently, we rarely allow exceptions for pupils to be moved above or below the year group placement process.
In all instances, the final decision on year group placement lies with the School.

Learning, medical and physical needs
Pupils with mild to moderate learning, medical and physical needs will be considered based on our internal capacity to support them in our school setting. Pupils who require an individual education plan (IEP) or a health and care plan (EHCP) will be given a Provisional Admission Offer letter subject to satisfactory medical reports from the child’s doctor/psychologist. Moreover, all pupils must be able to use the toilet independently.

Visas and living arrangements
BIJS is a day school, and we do not have boarding facilities. Therefore, pupils must reside with their parent(s) or a legal guardian (court documents are necessary to prove legal guardianship). As a non-Nigerian, the admission to and continued status as a school pupil is conditional on the pupil holding a student visa. Parent(s) or a legal guardian(s) must also have a valid visa issued by the Nigerian Immigration Office. Pupils will be able to join the School upon receipt of the visa approval and following the timeline set by the School.

Child protection and custody
BIJS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils and requires all members of the community to collaborate with the School. In case of separation or divorce, the School expects evidence of a Court Order or Custody Agreement. Without the relevant document, each parent will be treated equally, and the application will be reviewed thoughtfully.

Admissions assessments, observations and interviews
The nature of the assessment may include completing an online or written baseline assessment, meeting a member of the academic staff, and in some instances, an in-class observation to form a comprehensive picture of the pupil.
Children who require learning or medical support will be assessed rigorously to decide whether the School can effectively assist their needs. The assessments are a property of the School and will be kept private and confidential.
The assessment process is meant to ensure that the placement of all pupils will meet their personal and educational requirements.

Waiting list
Pupils may be placed on a waiting list until a place becomes available when the number of applicants exceeds the availability of spaces for a particular year group. We consider different criteria in electing pupils from the waiting list, including whether the pupil has other educational options, general academic knowledge, assessment results, and the gender and nationality balance of the cohort.

Class balance
We strive to balance gender and abilities across the School, and admissions decisions are made per this aim. The child’s placement in an appropriate year group and class is at the discretion of the School. The School is not obliged to justify an unsuccessful application. Parents will be informed in writing about the admission decisions.


An admission offer to the BIJS is based on the belief that each pupil will benefit from the curriculum offered. Therefore, a pupil may be offered a place on specific conditions and with a Provisional Agreement.
Accepting an offer must be made by paying the applicable fees on or before the stipulated date on the offer letter. The payment of the required fees confirms the pupil’s place.
We accept pupil admissions throughout the year, subject to the School’s schedule. Our Admissions Team is happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the application process, from an enquiry to taking you for a school tour.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to welcome you and your children to the BIJS family!

Admissions Documents Checklist

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